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What Countries have Zika Virus | List of Countries with Zika Virus

What is Zika Virus | List of Countries with Zika Virus

This article will highlight :

  • What is Zika Virus?
  • Introduction of Zika Virus
  • Symptoms of Zika Virus
  • List of Countries with current or local transmission

what is zika virus an introduction of zika virus

What countries have Zika virus today is the question that everyone should clear to prevent this disease or simply to increase the general knowledge. But before we proceed, let us give you a brief introduction of this virus just to make it clear what is Zika Virus. Zika disease claims to be a very dangerous infection that is caused by this virus, and it is spreading among people primarily through a sting of an infected Aedes species mosquito. Its Zika’s most common symptoms are as follows:

  • Rash
  • Fever
  • Joint Pain
  • Conjunctivitis (Redness of eyes)

If you observe these symptoms in yourself, be sure you are infected with Zika infection!

Zika Virus Facts

The illness is mostly fine with symptoms for a long lasting period mostly up to a week after being bitten by an infected mosquito. Mostly people don’t get sick enough due to this virus, so they keep delaying in going to the hospital, and they very seldom die of zika disease. Thus, a significant number of people might not recognize they have been infected with virus zika. However, for the pregnant women, it is a very dangerous or deadly disease, since it can cause a very critical birth defect during pregnancy that is called microcephaly together with a board range of severe brain disorders. Once, a person has been infected, he/she is likely to be protected from the future infections.

Zika virus was initially founded in 1947 and later it was named after the zika forest positioned in Uganda. Following, in 1952, the earlier human cases of zika infection were detected and since then, revolutions of zika have been reported in Southeast Asia, tropical Africa, and the Pacific islands. Zika outbreaks have apparently reported in various areas on the planet. Earlier 2007, around 14 cases of Zika infection had been recorded, although further cases were likely to have found and were not published. But, many zika virus cases have not been determined since its symptoms are same like of many other health disorders.

list of Countries with Zika Virus in the world

What Countries have Zika Virus ? List of Countries with Current or Local Transmission of Virus Zika

Sr. No. Country Transmission Status


Ongoing or widespread
2.   American Samoa

Bonaire (Netherlands Territory)

Sporadic or limited
4. Barbados Ongoing or widespread
5. Bolivia
6. Belize Sporadic or limited
7. Brazil Ongoing or widespread
8. Curaçao
9. Cape Verde
10. Costa Rica
11. Colombia
12. Cuba Sporadic or limited
13. Dominican Republic Ongoing or widespread
14. Dominica (Commonwealth of)
15. El Salvador Ongoing or widespread
16. Ecuador
17. French Guiana
18. Fiji
19. Guyana
20. Guadeloupe
21. Guatemala
22. Grenada Sporadic or limited


Ongoing or widespread
24. Haiti
25. Jamaica Sporadic or limited
26. Kosrae (Federated States of Micronesia)
27. Mexico Ongoing or widespread
28. Martinique
29. Marshall Islands (Republic of the) Sporadic or limited
30. New Caledonia

Papua New Guinea (PNG)

32. Nicaragua Ongoing or widespread
33. Panama
34. Paraguay
35. Puerto Rico
36. Peru Sporadic or limited
37. Saint Barthélemy
38. Sint Maarten (Netherlands Territory)
39. St Vincent and the Grenadines
40. St Lucia
41. Samoa Ongoing or widespread
42. Saint Martin
43. Suriname
44. Trinidad and Tobago
45. Tonga
46. US Virgin Islands
47. Vietnam Sporadic or limited
48. Venezuela Ongoing or widespread


List of Countries with Current or Recent Local Transmission of Virus Zika in 2016

Zika Virus by country 2016 ranking list

Standards for prevailing or fresh local delivery involve the recording of local zika virus release by the nation through the World Health Organization (WHO) or distant official clusters of travel and channel associated germs found in that land in passengers turning to foreign countries, or a statement released by the WHO (World Health Organization ) of local transmission happening in a particular country. Modern or new Virus sending is additionally described as where the cases have encounter dates within the last two months. There may be variations within the countries that are mentioned in above-listed countries and further because of the evaluation criteria.

Countries, where the local transmission is just perinatal delivery, sexual or intra-uterine and no mosquito-borne are not mentioned in the above-listed countries

The mosquitoes that are causing the spread of Zika don’t live in the areas with the height more than 2,000 meters. The danger of mosquito is sustained delivery in the localities of great height within the countryside (where existing) is smallest.

The spread of the virus basis on a broad range of announced approved cases, a lot of infected regions in the countryside and the time span of the transmission.

Countries having the proof of past transmission or previous Zika Virus Outbreaks

zika virus outbreaks in the world

It should be noted that the list of countries with Zika Virus in the history may be long than the below-listed countries, including tropical Africa, the Pacific Islands, and Asia. Zika can occur in many other countries with the proper kinds of mosquitoes that can spread the virus.

Pacific Islands :

When we look into the history, the earliest recorded disorder of this virus in the South Pacific happened in 2007 on Yap Island that is located in the Federated States of Micronesia. Later, in October 2013, the French Polynesia announced its initial explosion, which then grew in various Pacific Islands.

Further cases of Zika may be reported by the other nearest countries where there the possible kinds of mosquitoes are found with the ability to transmit the virus quickly.

what countries have zika virus

List of Pacific Islands with Zika Virus

Rank Pacific Island
1. Cook Islands
2. French Polynesia


4. New Caledonia



Solomon Islands

7. Vanuatu
8. Papua New Guinea

Source :
