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What Countries are in the Middle East | List of Middle East Countries

What Countries are in the Middle East

This Article Will Highlight :

  • What Countries are in the Middle East?
  • Complete List of Middle East Countries
  • Official Map of Middle East
  • Areas and Capitals of Middle East Countries

What Countries are in the Middle East Map ?

The Middle Eastern countries surrounding the eastern and southern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, spreading from Morocco to the Arabian Peninsula and Iran, by exceptional reports. The central portion of this wide region was initially called the Near East, and this name was assigned to it by any of the earlier Western historians and geographers, who managed to separate what they named the Orient into three areas. Near East implemented to the area adjacent to the Europe, lengthening from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf; the ME, from the Persian Gulf to Southeast Asia; and the Far East, that areas overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

The variation of regulation caused evolving the World War II and used to be reinforced through that war when the term the M.E (Middle East) was granted to the British military power in Egypt. since the Mid of 20th century, a common term of the M.E comprised the countries or territories of:

  • Cyprus
  • Turkey
  • Israel
  • Iraq
  • Syria
  • Lebanon
  • Jordan
  • Iran
  • The West Bank
  • The Gaza Strip
  • Sudan
  • Egypt
  • Libya

what countries are in the middle east

and many other states and territories of Arabia including (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, ,Yemen, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the Trucial States, or Trucial Oman [Currently known as United Arab Emirates ]).

Following results have directed, in loose practice, to increase the number of countries mentioned in the article. The three North African countries of Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco are nearly same in thoughts and foreign policy with the Arabian States. Furthermore, geographical circumstances usually need representatives and other political authorities to take account of Pakistan and Afghanistan in connection with the Middle Eastern affairs.

Hardly, Greece is held in the Middle Eastern range as the Middle Eastern (then Near Eastern) question in its current form originally became clear when the Greeks rose revolution to declare their freedom from the Ottoman Empire in 1821. Greece and Turkey collectively with the predominantly Arabic-speaking nations encircling the eastern- end of the Mediterranean, were likewise recognized as the Levant in the history.

Map of Middle East HD

Complete List of Middle East Countries as per the Official Map of Middle East

Rank Country Capital Area (km2)
1. Egypt Cairo 1,010,407.87
2. Iran Tehran 1,648,195
3. Turkey Ankara 814,578
4. Iraq Baghdad 437,072
5. Saudi Arabia Riyadh 2,149,690
6. Yemen Sana’a 528,076
7. Syria Damascus 185,180
8. United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi 83,600
9. Jordan Amman 89,341
10. Palestine Ramallah 6221.151
11. Lebanon Beirut 10,452
12. Oman Muscat 309,500
13. Kuwait Kuwait City 17,820
14. Qatar Doha 11,586
15. Bahrain Manama 765

Conclusion :

Using the term the Middle East though persists undecided. However, many agencies such as the United States State Department and several United Nations bodies are still using the term Near East.


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